My daughter Ella was captivated by the movie Barbie and the Three Muskateers. We had to watch it over and over. Once the movie was done - the lines from the movie continued to make their way into Ella's daily play. One hilarious line she tried to repeat was "those boots are so last season" (sorry for the cheesy line... remember it is a Barbie movie). But Ella was positive the line went, "those boots are so glass season." We tried over and over to correct her but she was set and no one was going to change her mind. Another funny line she tried to quote was the familiar - "one for all and all for one." But she could never quiet get it out - it would either be "one for all and one for all"...or... "one for all and one for two." She would say it with such passion and gusto that it brought tears to our eyes in laughter.
This has has jogged in my memory a quote I heard a few years ago. It went something like...."We no longer live in a SCRIPTURE society but a script society."
Meaning, no longer do we have God's Word memorized on our hearts to quote to each other; rather we share our thoughts and communication through the movies we watch. How often do we quote a line from a movie or a sit com? How many times do we engage each other by asking if they saw.....last night?
Deuteronomy 6 is known as the Shema (which in Hebrew means to hear, listen, obey). "Hear O Isreal the Lord is our God the Lord alone. Love the Lord our God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commmandments I give to you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, when you walk along the road. When you lie down and when you get up."
Our call is to keep our homes a place of SCRIPTURE. A place where we talk about Jesus. In the morning, during our day, and as we prepare for bed.
How is your home? Is it a place where SCRIPTURE is lifted up,honored and read? Or is it a place where the script of movies and sit-coms rule the day?
As followers of Christ we need to wrestle with these questions. It is a struggle because there is so much that calls out and demands our time and attention.
With the return of spring our family spent a lot of time outside this past weekend. Ella was riding her bike and singing at the top of her lungs. She was about 5 houses down and we could still hear her. The song on her lips was a song Marcel (Lifequest's worship leader) pulled together titled Gloria se Dios (Spanish for Glory to God). She kept singing and singing and it brought joy to my heart. It brought the words of Deuteronomy 6 to life.
Let us encourage each other on to love and good deeds. May your home be a place where Jesus is lifted up morning, noon and night.
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